Despite what you may think, not all greeting cards are created equal! Greeting card sizes can vary significantly depending on where you're purchasing them and what you're using them for. At Cards For Causes, it's our top priority to make sure your greeting cards look exactly how you want them to. Take a look at our guide to greeting card sizes and order cards with confidence! Standard Greeting Card Sizes A7 card - Dimensions: 5" x 7" - The Golden Ratio - matches an A7 envelope A6 card - Dimensions: 4.5" x 5.75" - matches an A6 envelope A9 card - Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5" - Called Half Folds - matches an A9 envelope A1 card - Dimensions: 3.5" x 5" - Mostly used for Thank You cards - matches an A1 envelope Ref-
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