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Showing posts from November, 2020

Crime Statistics of North Carolina's Biggest Cities - Infographic

 Crime stats refer to statistical, systematic data about crimes. They are based on the number of crimes that were reported in a given period. This can be for several reasons, including data entry from police departments, state departments of corrections, and so on. When people talk about crime statistics, they refer to those that are released by law enforcement authorities. These stats are compiled to inform people on how crime affects communities in their area, including local laws regarding what can and cannot be done to reduce crime. What Types of Crimes Are Tracked in North Carolina? Some crime stats are more general in nature than others. The first type of stats includes all crimes reported to the police department, including thefts and burglary. This includes murder, manslaughter, rape, assault, burglary, larceny, arson, vehicle theft, and so on. Another type of crime stats would consist of violent crimes. The number of crimes committed daily will differ based on the type of ...


 Like any industry, metal building has various terms that aren’t common in our day-to-day lives. Unless you are a Pro in the metal building industry, these terminologies would appear weird. Hence, we are providing you with a batch of commonly used metal building terminologies. So, check out this lingo guide created into an Infographic and learn about common metal building terminologies.

The Right Age to See an Orthodontist [Infographic]

Yes, we have heard these comments before, but your elementary student is at the perfect age to start seeing an orthodontist. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic exam by the time a child is 7 years old. Relax. This is just to start checking things out, not necessarily to fit your child for brackets and wires. At this age, your child’s mouth, face, and jaw are still developing so if there are issues such as small jaw size, poor placement of permanent teeth, or harmful oral habits, there is time to correct problems and guide growth. Once the bones of the face and jaw have finished growing, it is harder, and sometimes not even possible, to achieve the same results as with early orthodontic interventions. Check out the following infographic for more information on early age orthodontics. Book an appointment with Lineberger Orthodontics today!

What is Special Education?

   Special Education and the Law: The Foundations Individuals Should Know Every single student deserves to a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education