Exactly How Alcohol Influences Your Response Time From the moment you have that first drink, alcohol begins to have a result on your brain and also body.You may not observe it in the beginning. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the US conducted a review of 109 research studies into the effects of alcohol and impairment. The following information shows the Blood Alcohol Contents (BAC) at which impairment was first reported. In some instances this does vary between studies. For detailed information see the original Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving-Related Skills report . Research summary Divided attention Divided attention involves having to concentrate on two or more tasks at the same time and making decisions about them. Attention can be given to tasks occurring in front of us, in our peripheral vision, or even to information we are listening to. For example: you’re driving down a suburban street, you are concentrating on mainta...
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